Source code for pysp.util.rapper

A class and some utilities to wrap PySP.
In particular to enable programmatic access to some of
the functionality in runef and runph for ConcreteModels
Author: David L. Woodruff, started February 2017

import inspect
from pyomo.core.base.component_namer import index_repr
from pyomo.environ import SolverFactory
from pysp.scenariotree.instance_factory \
    import ScenarioTreeInstanceFactory
from pysp.ef import create_ef_instance

from pysp.phinit import construct_ph_options_parser, GenerateScenarioTreeForPH, PHAlgorithmBuilder

def _optiondict_2_list(phopts, args_list = None):
    """ A little utility to change the format of options"""
    if args_list is None:
        args_list = []
    if phopts is not None:
        for key in phopts:
            if phopts[key] is not None:
    return args_list

def _kwfromphopts(phopts):
    This is really local to the StochSolver __init__ but
    I moved it way out to make the init more readable. The
    function takes the phopts dictionary and returns
    a kwargs dictionary suitable for a call to generate_scenario_tree.
    Note that only some options (i.e., bundle options) are needed
    when the tree is created. The rest can be passed in when the
    ph object is created.
        phopts: a ph options dictionary.
        kwargs: a dictionary suitable for a call to generate_scenario_tree.
    kwargs = {}
    def dointpair(pho, fo):
        if pho in phopts and phopts[pho] is not None:
            kwargs[fo] = int(phopts[pho])
            kwargs[fo] = None
    if phopts is not None:
        dointpair("--create-random-bundles", 'random_bundles')
        dointpair("--scenario-tree-seed", 'random_seed')
        if "--scenario-tree-downsample-fraction" in phopts:
            kwargs['downsample_fraction'] = \
            kwargs['downsample_fraction'] = None

        if "--scenario-bundle-specification" in phopts:
            kwargs['bundles'] = phopts["--scenario-tree-bundle-specification"]
            kwargs['bundles'] = None

    return kwargs

[docs]class StochSolver: """A class for solving stochastic versions of concrete models and abstract models. Inspired by the IDAES use case and by daps ability to create tree models. Author: David L. Woodruff, February 2017 Args: fsfile (str): is a path to the file that contains the scenario callback for concrete or the reference model for abstract. fsfct (str, or fct, or None): | str: callback function name in the file | fct: callback function (fsfile is ignored) | None: it is a AbstractModel tree_model (concrete model, or networkx tree, or path): gives the tree as a concrete model (which could be a fct) or a valid networkx scenario tree or path to AMPL data file. phopts: dictionary of ph options; needed during construction if there is bundling. Attributes: scenario_tree: scenario tree object (that includes data) """ def __init__(self, fsfile, fsfct = None, tree_model = None, phopts = None): """Initialize a StochSolver object. """ if fsfct is None: # Changed in October 2018: None implies AbstractModel args_list = _optiondict_2_list(phopts) parser = construct_ph_options_parser("") options = parser.parse_args(args_list) scenario_instance_factory = \ ScenarioTreeInstanceFactory(fsfile, tree_model) try: self.scenario_tree = \ GenerateScenarioTreeForPH(options, scenario_instance_factory) except: print ("ERROR in StochSolver called from",inspect.stack()[1][3]) raise RuntimeError("fsfct is None, so assuming", "AbstractModel but could not find all ingredients.") else: # concrete model if callable(fsfct): scen_function = fsfct else: # better be a string fsfile = fsfile.replace('.py','') # import does not like .py # __import__ only gives the top level module # probably need to be dealing with modules installed via m = __import__(fsfile) for n in fsfile.split(".")[1:]: m = getattr(m, n) scen_function = getattr(m, fsfct) if tree_model is None: treecbname = "pysp_scenario_tree_model_callback" tree_maker = getattr(m, treecbname) tree = tree_maker() scenario_instance_factory = ScenarioTreeInstanceFactory(scen_function, tree_model) else: # DLW March 21: still not correct scenario_instance_factory = \ ScenarioTreeInstanceFactory(scen_function, tree_model) kwargs = _kwfromphopts(phopts) self.scenario_tree = \ scenario_instance_factory.generate_scenario_tree(**kwargs) #verbose = True) instances = scenario_instance_factory. \ construct_instances_for_scenario_tree(self.scenario_tree) self.scenario_tree.linkInInstances(instances) #=========================
[docs] def make_ef(self, verbose=False, generate_weighted_cvar = False, cvar_weight = None, risk_alpha = None, cc_indicator_var_name=None, cc_alpha=0.0): """ Make an ef object (used by solve_ef); all Args are optional. Args: verbose (boolean): indicates verbosity to PySP for construction generate_weighted_cvar (boolean): indicates we want weighted CVar cvar_weight (float): weight for the cvar term risk_alpha (float): alpha value for cvar cc_indicator_var_name (string): name of the Var used for chance constraint cc_alpha (float): alpha for chance constraint Returns: ef_instance: the ef object """ return create_ef_instance(self.scenario_tree, verbose_output=verbose, generate_weighted_cvar = generate_weighted_cvar, cvar_weight = cvar_weight, risk_alpha = risk_alpha, cc_indicator_var_name = cc_indicator_var_name, cc_alpha = cc_alpha)
[docs] def solve_ef(self, subsolver, sopts = None, tee = False, need_gap = False, verbose=False, generate_weighted_cvar = False, cvar_weight = None, risk_alpha = None, cc_indicator_var_name=None, cc_alpha=0.0): """Solve the stochastic program directly using the extensive form. All Args other than subsolver are optional. Args: subsolver (str): the solver to call (e.g., 'ipopt') sopts (dict): solver options tee (bool): indicates dynamic solver output to terminal. need_gap (bool): indicates the need for the optimality gap verbose (boolean): indicates verbosity to PySP for construction generate_weighted_cvar (boolean): indicates we want weighted CVar cvar_weight (float): weight for the cvar term risk_alpha (float): alpha value for cvar cc_indicator_var_name (string): name of the Var used for chance constraint cc_alpha (float): alpha for chance constraint Returns: (`Pyomo solver result`, `float`) solve_result is the solver return value. absgap is the absolute optimality gap (might not be valid); only if requested Note: Also update the scenario tree, populated with the solution. Also attach the full ef instance to the object. So you might want obj = pyo.value(stsolver.ef_instance.MASTER) This needs more work to deal with solver failure (dlw, March, 2018) """ self.ef_instance = self.make_ef(verbose=verbose, generate_weighted_cvar = generate_weighted_cvar, cvar_weight = cvar_weight, risk_alpha = risk_alpha, cc_indicator_var_name = cc_indicator_var_name, cc_alpha = cc_alpha) solver = SolverFactory(subsolver) if sopts is not None: for key in sopts: solver.options[key] = sopts[key] if need_gap: solve_result = solver.solve(self.ef_instance, tee = tee, load_solutions=False) if len(solve_result.solution) > 0: absgap = solve_result.solution(0).gap else: absgap = None else: solve_result = solver.solve(self.ef_instance, tee = tee) # note: the objective is probably called MASTER #print ("debug value(ef_instance.MASTER)=",value(ef_instance.MASTER)) self.scenario_tree.pullScenarioSolutionsFromInstances() self.scenario_tree.snapshotSolutionFromScenarios() # update nodes if need_gap: return solve_result, absgap else: return solve_result
[docs] def solve_ph(self, subsolver, default_rho, phopts = None, sopts = None): """Solve the stochastic program given by this.scenario_tree using ph Args: subsolver (str): the solver to call (e.g., 'ipopt') default_rho (float): the rho value to use by default phopts: dictionary of ph options (optional) sopts: dictionary of subsolver options (optional) Returns: the ph object Note: Updates the scenario tree, populated with the xbar values; however, you probably want to do obj, xhat = ph.compute_and_report_inner_bound_using_xhat() where ph is the return value. """ ph = None # Build up the options for PH. parser = construct_ph_options_parser("") phargslist = ['--default-rho',str(default_rho)] phargslist.append('--solver') phargslist.append(str(subsolver)) phargslist = _optiondict_2_list(phopts, args_list = phargslist) # Subproblem options go to PH as space-delimited, equals-separated pairs. if sopts is not None: soptstring = "" for key in sopts: soptstring += key + '=' + str(sopts[key]) + ' ' phargslist.append('--scenario-solver-options') phargslist.append(soptstring) phoptions = parser.parse_args(phargslist) # construct the PH solver object try: ph = PHAlgorithmBuilder(phoptions, self.scenario_tree) except: print ("Internal error: ph construction failed.") if ph is not None: ph.release_components() raise retval = ph.solve() if retval is not None: raise RuntimeError("ph Failure Encountered="+str(retval)) # dlw May 2017: I am not sure if the next line is really needed ph.save_solution() return ph
[docs] def root_Var_solution(self): """Generator to loop over x-bar Yields: name, value pair for root node solution values """ root_node = self.scenario_tree.findRootNode() for variable_id in sorted(root_node._variable_ids): var_name, index = root_node._variable_ids[variable_id] name = var_name if index is not None: name += index_repr(index) yield name, root_node._solution[variable_id]
[docs] def root_E_obj(self): """post solve Expected cost of the solution in the scenario tree (xbar) Returns: float: the expected costs of the solution in the tree (xbar) """ root_node = self.scenario_tree.findRootNode() return root_node.computeExpectedNodeCost()
[docs]def xhat_from_ph(ph): """a service fuction to wrap a call to get xhat Args: ph: a post-solve ph object Returns: (float, object) float: the expected cost of the xhat solution for the scenarios xhat: an object with the solution tree """ obj, xhat = ph.compute_and_report_inner_bound_using_xhat() return obj, xhat
[docs]def xhat_walker(xhat): """A service generator to walk over a given xhat Args: xhat (dict): an xhat solution (probably from xhat_from_ph) Yields: (nodename, varname, varvalue) """ for nodename in xhat: for varname, varvalue in xhat[nodename].items(): yield (nodename, varname, varvalue)