Demonstration of rapper Capabilities

In this section we provide a series of examples intended to show different things that can be done with rapper.


>>> import pyomo.pysp.util.rapper as rapper
>>> import pyomo.pysp.plugins.csvsolutionwriter as csvw
>>> from pyomo.pysp.scenariotree.tree_structure_model import CreateAbstractScenarioTreeModel
>>> import pyomo.environ as pyo

The next line establishes the solver to be used.

>>> solvername = "cplex"

The next two lines show one way to create a concrete scenario tree. There are
others that can be found in `pyomo.pysp.scenariotree.tree_structure_model`.

>>> abstract_tree = CreateAbstractScenarioTreeModel()
>>> concrete_tree = \
...     abstract_tree.create_instance("ScenarioStructure.dat")

Emulate some aspects of runef

Create a rapper solver object assuming there is a file named that has an appropriate pysp_instance_creation_callback function.

>>> stsolver = rapper.StochSolver("",
...            tree_model = concrete_tree)

This object has a solve_ef method (as well as a solve_ph method)

>>> ef_sol = stsolver.solve_ef(solvername) 

The return status from the solver can be tested.

>>> if ef_sol.solver.termination_condition != \ 
...            pyo.TerminationCondition.optimal: 
...     print ("oops! not optimal:",ef_sol.solver.termination_condition) 

There is an iterator to loop over the root node solution:

>>> for varname, varval in stsolver.root_Var_solution(): 
...    print (varname, str(varval)) 

There is also a function to compute compute the objective function value.

>>> obj = stsolver.root_E_obj() 
>>> print ("Expecatation take over scenarios=", obj) 

Also, stsolver.scenario_tree has the solution. The package csvw is imported from PySP as shown above.

>>> csvw.write_csv_soln(stsolver.scenario_tree, "testcref") 

It is also possible to add arguments for chance constraints and CVaR; see rapper API for details.

Again, but with mip gap reported

Now we will solve the same problem again, but we cannot re-use the same rapper.StochSolver object in the same program so we must construct a new one; however, we can re-used the scenario tree.

>>> stsolver = rapper.StochSolver("", 
...            tree_model = concrete_tree) 

We add a solver option to get the mip gap

>>> sopts = {"mipgap": 1} # I want a gap

and we add the option to solve_ef to return the gap and the tee option to see the solver output as well.

>>> res, gap = stsolver.solve_ef(solvername, sopts = sopts, tee=True, need_gap = True) 
>>> print ("ef gap=",gap) 


We will now do the same problem, but with PH and we will re-use the scenario tree in tree_model from the code above. We put sub-solver options in sopts and PH options (i.e., those that would provided to runph) Note that if options are passed to the constructor (and the solver); they are passed as a dictionary where options that do not have an argument have the data value None. The constructor really only needs to some options, such as those related to bundling.

>>> sopts = {}
>>> sopts['threads'] = 2
>>> phopts = {}
>>> phopts['--output-solver-log'] = None
>>> phopts['--max-iterations'] = '3'
>>> stsolver = rapper.StochSolver("",
...                               tree_model = concrete_tree,
...                               phopts = phopts)

The solve_ph method is similar to solve_ef, but requires a default_rho and accepts PH options:

>>> ph = stsolver.solve_ph(subsolver = solvername, default_rho = 1, 
...                        phopts=phopts) 

With PH, it is important to be careful to distinguish x-bar from x-hat.

>>> obj = stsolver.root_E_obj() 

We can compute and x-hat (using the current PH options):

>>> obj, xhat = rapper.xhat_from_ph(ph) 

There is a utility for obtaining the x-hat values:

>>> for nodename, varname, varvalue in rapper.xhat_walker(xhat): 
...     print (nodename, varname, varvalue)